
Okay, I'm getting a bit slack with this date game that Gadgetkid, G and I play .. and despite being 4hrs ahead of Dubai, I always seem to loose :( G got me first thing this morning, but thankfully due to GK's busy-ness at work today, I got to beat her, YAY!

Anyway, it's been a great day and I'm thankful for time spent with my dear family, no mean feat with two teens. I've had time to rest and feel like I'm getting rid of this cold. Martin, on the other hand, has been working all weekend, from home. Budget time and big meetings this week.

Picture is of the Plaza and stalls being 'dismantled' after the 'Handmade Discovery Bay' market. Local/HK artisans selling their wares. I don't know how they stood out there for 6hrs. It was 38C (felt like 42) at 1.30pm.

I've pre-ordered the iPhone 6 and might just be picking it up tomorrow!!!! And running errands for GK and G ... camera errands.

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