
By rubyjones

Very little focus.

Tried to do some work today, but couldn't quite concentrate.
You get those days?
It might have been my glasses. Maybe I need new ones.
Must make some of that new coffee.
Is that cupboard a bit annoying?
I hate what's on the radio.
My ankle is itching.

Wondering if I'm feeling a little devalued after my recent experience.
Wondering if I'm always going to be in an industry that's struggling.
I mean how long has it been since the fucking recession?
I'm pretty sure my charlies were still on my chest,
and not hanging around my knees when it started.
Weren't the Beatles still all alive? I honestly can't remember
when things felt stable and people got rises and bonuses.
That feels like a different age now.
Like a fable told to keep our spirits up.
Hey! I knew someone once who got a rise!
Yeah! It can happen!
I want to believe.
But I'm running out of juice.

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