my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

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Lazy Sunday

Supposed to be entertaining Sam's granny from up north but travel issues meant she wasn't able to make the trip. Instead, we went out for lunch with Sam's mum at the Caley. A decent lamb roast. And a half pint of Beat Box. Was hoping to make it down to the meadows for the Yes rally but had to head home for a Skype with my Aunt that ended up not happening.

The Edinburgh Evening news is reporting that "Thousands of campaigners on both sides of the independence debate have flooded the Meadows to boost support just days ahead of the referendum:". By all accounts there were just ten No campaigners.

I've been getting really quite wound up by the media bias towards the No camp. It wouldn't matter so much if either side had a clear majority in the polls. but as it is, the skewed reporting may seriously influence the outcome.
While I'm on the subject, I find it quite sad that given that the vote might be quite close, no matter what the outcome, around half of the country is going to be disappointed. I'm a fairly certain Yes vote, but I don't like the idea of Scotland becoming an independent country when only just over half of the population want it that way... I suppose that's democracy for you though.

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