
By JosvanderLelie

Today's action: Help from the air

Today local paramedics doing their shift on the ambulances in Almere needed help from a trauma doctor after a bicycle and scooter were involved in a RTC. One of those involved was injured so badly that a doctor was needed on the scene.

So the Amsterdam based helimed Lifeliner 1 was scrambled. Stationed on top of one of the Amsterdam University Medical Centers they are only about ten minutes away from Almere.

Of course a helicopter landing in the street is not an every day event, so as always this brought a lot of people out to come and watch. Many of them maybe don't even care why the helicopter is there and how the patient they are coming for is doing. It's all about the excitement of that big yellow bird.

Well, the patient was taken to hospital by land ambulance and I hope she is doing fine. And with a lot of ooohs and aaahs Lifeliner 1 took to the air again, back to base in Amsterdam, until somewhere else someone again needs their help from the air.

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