
By Majoayee

Time to work!

This is my entry for Mono Monday: time:  A list of what should be done by the end of today!  More Mono Monday shots to be found here.

From having decided to blip my list of chores etc., this song kept coming into my head!  I found a delightful video for those who don’t know this folk song!

Our walk was put on hold as it started to rain but the sun is shining now!  Dinner might be the delicious eggs from the hens in my daughter’s street with my newly baked bread.  Washing and my ironing done! Blip in progress leaves all the Photoshop work! And the dust will be left till tomorrow!

Dashing Away with the Smoothing Iron
'Twas on a [ Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday ] morning
When I beheld my darling
She looked so neat and charming
In every high degree
She looked so neat and nimble, O
[ A-washing | A-hanging | A-starching | A-ironing | A-folding | A-airing | A-wearing ] of her linen, O

Dashing away with the smoothing iron
Dashing away with the smoothing iron
She stole my heart away.

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