don't think I won't come up there

At that exact moment 11,699.4 miles away (three)56 pressed a button.
Just think how long it would have taken in the olden days to get an image to the opposite side of the planet before wires, internets, heat-trapping black plastic domes and evidently a camera which can resist both being frozen in the winter and baked for fourteen hours a day in the summer. Maybe someone pops out occasionally and tips some icy water over it.

When I checked the camera on Edinburgh's stylish and fashionable Princes Street camera this morning it was intermittently going black so I thought it would be safest to arrange a backup on the Royal Mile. In the end both worked fine, completing step 7 in team A's around the world in eighty blips.

The streets started to fill up with people taking pictures shortly afterwards so I equipped myself with a coffee and cake, found a nice shadowy spot to lurk in and took some pictures myself. That Teddy Boy bloke seemed to be making a day of it and was wandering up and down talking to the various stallholders and generally getting in shot a lot of the time. He seemed to take offence (despite his evident LOOKATME fashion-statementism) and snuck behind a van to hide, a somewhat futile operation given how easy it was to spot his brothel creepers poking out from beneath.

Yesterday sort-of-updated though I have added an interactive element to it.

So who's next for this 80 days thing? Sign up here. If you live near a webcam which can be seen either through the firewall at my work or outwith the standard working hours of 07:30 - 15:30 GMT any ay this week...

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