
With an infant, everything is new: first time at a store, first time in a restaurant, first time breastfeeding in public. It makes all the little things you do in life very, very interesting, if only to the sleep-deprived gaga new mom. Today we went shopping for autumn apparel because it's getting definitely colder and he didn't have anything for "playing" outside. He wasn't very excited, but played along splendidly.

Now, here's a question: Oli isn't the type to carry stuff right now. He even has trouble holding on to his pacifier. So why are there that many functional pockets on his jeans? What do they expect him to use the pockets for? business cards?

ps: look at those feet! don't you just want to eat them up?
ps2: yet again, i've posted at some point without realizing I had hit a milestone. 500 blips!

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