Pismo beach

We departed San Francisco this morning, I was sad to leave as it was a great city.

We drove through Silicon Valley, San Jose and along the pacific coast to Carmel.

This is the town where Clint Eastwood was Mayor. It was a quaint little place, full of cute little cottages ($1,000000+ for a place here) and an exclusive shopping centre with boutique stores.
We had coffee & cake in the sunken gardens which was really lovely.

Next stop was Monterey. Here we visited Cannery Row, which is where the big canneries used to process the millions of sardines caught in Monterey Bay.
We had (a disappointing) lunch, then a nice cold beer in the local brewery where they had the biggest selection of draft beers I've ever seen. I'm really liking pale ales at the moment.
They were showing the Liverpool game on the big screen, so Mr A chatted to the barman (who was a Liverpool fan) about soccer!

This afternoon, we were looking forward to driving down the pacific highway, especially as our seat rotation meant we were on the right side of the coach. No such luck, we took an internal road instead. Gutted.

We got to see the sea eventually, when we reached Pismo Beach. This is home for the penultimate night of our trip, and the object of today's blip.

The beach was lovely, but our hotel is miles away from it! Luckily, there's a mall a few minutes walk from the hotel, so we have a few choices for dinner.

Once we all checked into the hotel, we had a little soirée with cheese, nibbles & wine. Pet peeve alert....folks mauling & cutting cheese and finger licking between.....we stuck to the wine!

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