Back Blip - VFNO #1

I was lucky enough to attend a workshop conducted by Valerio Spada last night for this year's Vogue Fashion Night Out through the New Old Camera shop here in Milan.

I was really anxious about this workshop because 1) it lasted all night, 2) I'd be forced to get in the driver seat to exert myself to make more eye and even personal contact to ask for photos, 3) an experience pretty much out of my social element...

Workshops are great for that too in that you are challenged to go out of your element and open yourself to new creativity based on the situation given to you by the guest photographer and also the collective experience of the other participants.

Well, I can say Valerio is a very knowledgable and excellent correlator. I was amazed at how fast he was able to pull together a short list of photos from each participant at the end and give specific insight to each of us.

Anyway... I am Always amazed at the things you bump into while walking the streets of Milan... though maybe not too abnormal for the VFNO. This girl had a small film crew following her and publicizing next year's UnderWearWeek calender. Not much was left for the imagination.... Of course I had to Google it today at home. Here is a short on last year's calender.

Update: full set here. Check it out if you are intrigued. :)

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