My turn?

4years 331days

She swam her little heart out today! Her breast stroke was, I think, enough to earn her the pass for it that's she's been desperate for.

In a spirit if trying to find positives about school: She's got over her dislike of assembly at school it seems. She said the lady talked about being kind to people. She really enjoyed her cheesy pasta for lunch.

What she could come up with for something she did in class was she stuck blue bits on a number 7 with Oliver. She had cuddles with Lydia at lunch but she wouldn't go play in her playground because there "was a big boy, much bigger than me, who was nasty and did silly things". My baby was picked on by a mean boy who chased and trapped her. School is trying Mama's patience almost as much as it's trying her patience.

We are busy planning a lovely weekend together to cling to- it's feeling a long week, this one.

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