madwill's world

By madwill

Railway Themed Presents

Had a nice birthday yesterday - thanks for all your wishes. Had a great day, capped off with a nice meal at the Royal Oak in Ripon.

As well my new macro lens I got a couple of other gifts for my birthday yesterday - all with a railway theme.

Mrs madwill got me a 'Bradshaw's Handbook' (or 'Guide' as it is referred to in the 'Great British Railway Journeys' TV series) together with an old railway map. I hasten to add that neither are original - the popularity of the TV series has ensured that they are like rocking horse poo - with silly prices to go with them.

We went to Doncaster today to 'babysit' whilst our daughter tried to clear up after the burst pipe and ceiling removal on Sunday! I took her two dogs out for a walk. Had a spot of lunch out and then headed home and took our two out for their walk.

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