Urban Eyesores

Christchurch is a relatively flat city, some people love it, others hate it - the flatness that is.

Fortunately we have some hills, well just one set really, but a very good set. They lie to the South and are called "The Port Hills" as they separate the city from the harbour (there is a tunnel).

The Port Hills are a playground - walking, mountain biking, probably unparalleled in New Zealand to have an urban area so close, in fact adjacent, to a rural playground. It's fabulous.

Less fabulous however is our urban planning. Our city masters in their infinite wisdom (or lack thereof) have allowed the landscape (the amenity value) to be violated by ugly houses whose form and colour defiles the very essence of the landscape. It's criminal really, and we can point fingers at the city's caretakers, and those with the money to build such monstrosities. It's almost fitting, they sit in their castles with their glass of wine and probably pity all those in their shadow.

Anyway, tough long day at work (did you guess ;-) and I probably need to cheer up ...

Goodness, and I have just looked at 1 yr ago, the opposite!

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