
By ztuzzer

Free yourself from the flock

Right and wrong is just a matter of opinion, right?

That's a quote I'm pretty proud to say I conjured up myself, and it is something I live by. I am not one to be told what to do. People by all means can advise me, and I prompt people to do so, but ultimately it's my choice to make - whatever the choice is, and there always is one to be made.

At the moment I have never felt so contradictorily in control of my life and lost at the crossroads. Since I have finished university I've been constantly comprehending my next move, which friends, family and even strangers can't help but interfere with. It can wind anyone up something chronic. Everybody seems to know what's best for you, but they all contradict one another. So what really is the right choice? Well the truth is, there is none. Different paths lead to different destinations, but it doesn't really matter which one you chose, so long as you made the right decision for you and not for someone else.

But sure, that's easier said than done. What if you don't know what the right choice is for you? Well, if you don't, then you don't have a clear head. Everyday we are bombarded by persuasion, and I'm not even talking about with people. Count how many advertisements you'll bypass in a day and I bet you won't even be able to keep count. The day before today I had attended a job interview in London, in which pay was a considerable factor, of course. But it wasn't just because of the interview that digits consumed my mind. I distinctly remember passing down a carousel at Waterloo station, where I was besieged by billboards from every angle, prompting me to worry about my credit rating. This consistent intervention of advertisement all has an undeniable effect upon our clarity of thought.

It was only when I went for a walk with my friend Ashley that she enlightened me to how I was actually conscious of my thoughts. The fact that I was aware that those billboards were affecting my judgement was a vital thought process to make the decision that was right for me. And so, I concluded then, out in the open air, that the decisions I had made for now were the right ones for me, because I, myself, made them. Listen to others, but don't be persuaded by them; only you know what's best for you. Freedom comes from free thinking.

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