The Big Day

So after months of discussions, debates and polls showing the pendulum swinging between the two outcomes, the day is finally here! Quite relieved to be honest! I voted a couple of weeks ago via post, but am still getting a buzz of anticipation. I love my country and I love being Scottish, and I know that everyone who has voted has done so because they too love Scotland and believe they are doing what is best. Because of this, I just hope that whatever 'side' wins we can all just remember we are actually all on the same team - team Scotland. While it has been a minority, there has been some distinct unpleasantness coming from some individuals in their attempt to fight for their side, when ultimately we all want the same thing - the best Scotland.
I guess what I am trying to say is that regardless of the outcome of this referendum, I hope that those who took different perspectives on the vote can put their differences aside and we can all work towards making Scotland the best it can be, because we live in a pretty special place!

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