Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Polesden Lacy

It was such a beautiful day here today that after lunch I decided to take Murdoch for a long walk around Polesden Lacy, a National Trust property that has some lovely walks. It was 24,5C on my car thermometer but when we were walking I am sure it rose much higher than that! At one point Murdoch dragged me to the nearest bush where he collapsed in the shade, panting furiously, and would not go on.

Polesden Lacy was owned by Mrs Greville, a well known Edwardian hostess. Architects Charles Mewès and Arthur Davis, who were responsible for the Ritz Hotel in London, remodelled the house for Ronald and Margaret Greville in 1906. The couple filled the house with collections of fine furniture, porcelain, and silver, and art.

Unfortunately Ronald Greville died in 1908 only two years after they had moved to Polesden Lacey. He was aged 46. Margaret continued to entertain lavishly at the house. She spoke her mind and loved to gossip, and so was not popular with everyone! In 1923 the future King George VI and Queen Elizabeth spent two weeks of their honeymoon there.

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