
By charentefarm

Summer's End

Americans have Labor Day and the French have 15 August (Quinze aout) to unofficially mark the end of summer holidays. Those of us who live by the estuary and love birds, mark that moment by watching the migration of storks.

Returning from a beach walk this afternoon, with one eye on the sky where storm clouds were gathering once again, we saw white birds circling up above and knew they weren't gulls. We stopped the car as soon as we could and stared up into the clouds where a group of 17 storks was slowly gliding onto a thermal. They usually pick a day of high pressure to start their long journey to Africa, but this week has been quite humid and stormy so we hope they'll be able to fly above the turbulent weather to get to their destination.

Beautiful creatures... we'll look forward to welcoming them back in late winter and doubtless I'll be ready with my camera!

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