Spoor of the Bookworm

By Bookworm1962

Vulnerable piece

The "Day of Days" is upon us. Like everyone else I am very wound up and am preparing to sit up all night to watch the results come in, I couldn't sleep if I wanted to. The polls and the bookies have made it clear a "No" is the moré likely result but the possibility is there for Independence, a long cherished aspiration. Whatever the result tomorrow will see a very different Scotland, indeed a very different UK, the constitutional status quo will be untenable even if full independence is rejected. Whichever side of the divide you're on let's hope tomorrow we can put the divisions of the campaign behind us and work together.

To revisit a decades old point of contention - the Queen, if we go independent do we finally get to call her Elizabeth the FIRST? My preferred option, a Scottish Republic, sadly isn't on the immediate cards but who knows where this journey is going to take us.

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