
By EwanJFleck

I was going to try do a shot with a large depth-of-field for once but by the time I was trying that it had gotten dark so MEGA SHAKY BLUR. Need to get a tripod. This was the only shot I took today that was remotely alright.
It's been a pretty bad day to be honest. Missed the chance to vote. Been down thanks to these meds. It is just the process of being introduced to any new anti-depressants but it could take up to 8 weeks until they work. It's slow and hard.
This was taken up Arthur's Seat. It was surrounded by fog today making it perfect for me to escape from the propaganda. Spent about 2 and a half hours up there and it managed to relax me completely. I managed to ask a lone lady if I could take a picture of her (it was a cool looking out into the distance pose) if somewhat awkwardly. Also stalked a lone crow hopping around trying to find food. I saw some birds flying on the way up which looked fantastic with the mist but didn't manage to capture them.

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