Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A snack of seeds and dried fruit.

I am sadly tired after hours of listening to the Scottish Referendum results.
Before I try to sleep for a few hours to face the daylight hours of my daughter Maria's 20th birthday and all that unfolds, as I listen to David Cameron's important outline of the future Plan, I am enjoying a small snack.
Good wishes for the day ahead as our individual lives unfold.
Have a wonderful Friday blipper friends.
Two thoughts of a religious and spiritual nature later came to mind.
One was, as you sow, so shall you reap.
This could be applied wisely and in a non judgemental way to many of life's testing lessons.
Also, The Parable of The Sower in the Bible New Testament.
Seeds are a gift from the Creator.
We can eat them and we can sow them.
Thank goodness the potential to share the vast Earth Harvest is within our grasp.
We need to feed the ones in great poverty with any help available in a peaceful way.

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