
By rubyjones

Eats shoots and leaves.

Well fucking hell.
That was probably the two most stressful weeks I've had for a while.

The referendum was becoming a huge weight in my head.
I was careful not to say the wrong thing to anyone, having had
abuse from complete strangers and friends. I just shut the fuck up.
Even when people were clearly talking bollocks.

And at the same time going through the hideous redundancy process.
Oh fucking joy.
Being 'scored' against my very good friend and colleague and copywriter.
Who I have sat opposite and worked hand in hand with for 6 years.
It doesn't make you feel particularly good when you find out you have
'scored' more than your friend.
He left today, sending out an email to everyone. It was honest
and funny, and of course well written. Unlike this.

He is a miserable Northern bastard. And I will miss him.

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