September the 19th

Nineteenth September;
We went for walkies through weeds;
A short adventure.

Hoping to have a slightly bigger adventure over the weekend if the weather holds as there are a few new geocaches nearby and Stella is doing so well I want to treat her to a change of scene :)

Saw my doctor today which wasn't as encouraging as I'd hoped. I asked again about pinpointing my allergies but he says the testing is still very poor with multiple false positives and false negatives and that unless I'm clearly reacting to something specific there's still little point in doing anything else.

I told him I'd had a bad couple of weeks and was worried the dizzies were getting ready to get worse for the Winter and he hopes that's not the case but I have the option of upping my current medication or trying or new one. The new one is a treatment rather than a prevention though and if I don't take it within minutes of the migraine symptoms starting it probably won't help much. We agreed this wasn't going to be a suitable option as my onset symptoms are so varied. Sometimes it's a visual disturbance, sometimes it's the tinnitus, sometimes there's no warning for the headache and sometimes it's just the dizzies...frustrating for him as well as me especially as I'd had a not bad few weeks.

I asked him were they all definite about it being vestibular migraine and he said all the different consultants had put that as a diagnosis in their correspondence to him. I gave him some notes I'd printed off about another illness with very similar symptoms and he's arranging a blood test for that though he thinks it's unlikely.

He never takes offence when I make suggestions though bless him but he gives me a kind look and says..."I think this is unlikely, I think we just have to go with what we already think, but, I appreciate you'll be looking for answers until you feel better and I do appreciate that you're fed up of taking 3 different medicines every day without enough effect." Too right.

So, blood test Tuesday before work and should have results the next week. In the meantime I plan to have a much better weekend than last and at the very least leave the house!

Happy Friday one and all :)

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