madwill's world

By madwill


I spent all morning on the phone sorting out a new broadband contract, house insurance and tax details.....hate all that. Really frustrating that you have to threaten to take your business to another supplier and then speak to the retentions department to get the best prices...grr....

Anyway after that we went for our walk - dogs were very friendly to three other dogs on the way round - most unusual! Also had to stop and talk to the three owners about Finlay's missing leg (not sure if the possessive apostrophe is appropriate as he does not have the leg!)

On the way round I noticed that one of the bushes that I picked blackberries from a couple of weeks ago was absolutely covered in berries again. So when we got back I grabbed a quick lunch and headed out with a couple of boxes, gardening gloves and a big stick. In one hour I picked 2 kg of berries!

So then I headed off to the shops to get some cooking apples and sugar and when I got home we made some jam - about 8 jars - and put some more in the freezer for use later.

A good day today.....

EDIT... Saturday ......Tried some on toast for breakfast. Delicious.

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