
By RadioGirl

Gimme Shelter

Today was quite humid in central London, so I sat outside on the steps of All Souls Church opposite Broadcasting House to eat a late lunch. Very soon, big fat drops of rain began to plop onto my head and onto my ham and egg sandwich, so I withdrew into the shelter of the church portico and sat down at the base of one of the huge Portland stone pillars to finish my picnic. Thunder rumbled and the rain continued for a while longer as I carried on eating. When I finally looked up from my munching, this was the view from my perch.

The rain had chased off the crowds, and the portico belonged to just me and a girl sitting cross-legged in contemplation a few yards away.

To go with my blip for today, here's a video of the Rolling Stones' Gimme Shelter with a striking montage of 1960's images.

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