such, such were the joys.

By Chaps100

We are the cool kids.

We went skating today and it was great fun; I've never really skated properly before. Only around our driveway with my sister. Although, most of my friends had skateboards so they managed to go quite a bit faster than I could on my plastic, non-professional roller-blades. Needless to say I was a bit worn out by the time we finished. We went from one end of Littlehampton beach to my friend's house at the other end, so in my defense, it was quite a long journey. Although, definitely the worst part of the trip was at the start. I bought an ice-cream with chocolate dip and a flake and as I was putting my skates on, I managed to drop it. Despite my friends reminding me of the 'three second rule' - which I wasn't going to obey - I managed to salvage the flake. Which was worth it.

School today was particularly boring. My further maths teacher gave me a kit kat though during first lesson, so that made my double lessons at the start of the day slightly better. But I had nothing to do in my free periods except my personal statement. Thankfully, I've nearly finished it now, but I'm still 1,000 characters over the limit, and I'm having a bit of trouble cutting it down. Every time I take out a comma, a little part of me dies inside. I can't commit any more grammar crimes, so I've decided that I'm going to have to start removing unnecessary content. Which isn't really unnecessary at all, because I really need it to be good. Anyway, that's what I tried to do in my double free, but I got a bit distracted halfway through by cake. It was someone's birthday today. And there always has to be cake. I also managed to leave my phone on a desk somewhere and unlocked it to find multiple (very flattering) selfies of another friend - which I shall definitely be saving for public display on their birthday

In other news, people seemed to enjoy my outfit today. It was just one of my dad's old t-shirts with a cat in pajamas and the words Hug Me on it. It's always nice to receive compliments. Although, my Pikachu top still seems to be the firm favourite amongst my friends.

Cribbage Count: 3-7 in Dad's favour
Birthday Countdown: 12 days.

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