Christmas has come early

...for David Cameron.

I was out celebrating my own independence tonight with my ex work colleagues so I wasn't entirely focused on the nitty gritty of the referendum result but on my way back to my hotel I saw this and it seemed very appropriate. The result may have gone the way of the union but things can't remain the way they were before the vote. If David Cameron and his party want to continue to wave the flag things will have to change.

The complacency of the "better together" campaign until the polls suggested the possibility of a "Yes" victory and the unseemly stampede to bribe us with "Devo Max" as a result fooled no one. The result of the referendum was not an endorsement of the status quo. If the promises made by the unionist parties are not forthcoming then I suspect that Scotland will be back knocking on Westminster's door sooner rather than later.

It will be interesting to watch those particular turkeys having to vote for Christmas.


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