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For next time

This has been a very difficult week. The range of emotions is incredible.

Enthusiasm. Dedication. Anticipation. Optimism. Excitement. Joy. Fear. Sadness. Loss. Embarrassment.

A little piece of me died on Friday. I have always believed the people of Scotland would unite and do the right thing, they just needed to be asked. Through all the State manipulation, media coercion and Better Together lies, I would calm friends and say 'Trust the people of Scotland. They won't let us down.'

Well they did. 55% of us voted out of self interest with no thought for others. The referendum was won by an age group which already exceeds the life expectancy of those more deprived areas like Glasgow and Dundee that voted Yes. Wealthy areas like Aberdeen and Edinburgh consigned those less well off to foodbanks and cuts.

When I finally left the house yesterday, I realised that for the first time in my life, I was not a proud Scotsman. I was ashamed. I was embarrassed. I don't know how I'll ever adjust to this.

Yesterday the Tories and Labour showed that Gordon Browns pledges were lies. But then again, I could have told you that last week.

The trouble in George Square last night was the icing on the cake. Going unreported by the state broadcaster.

As the Proclaimers said, 'we boast. Then we cower.'

Today the mood has changed. Across the movement there us a resolution to keep this movement going. We will be back. And this box of momentos is for next time. And to show my children.

We are the 45%.

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