Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Today we finally took the Portland Aerial Tram from the South Waterfront up to Marquam Hill - we've lived here for over 6 years yet hadn't managed to do this! Happily we remedied that today, it was really the perfect day to go with clear skies. In this picture you can see the terminal on Marquam Hill and the tram leaving to go back down to the river. Also visible is Mount Hood on the horizon, funny to think we were there last weekend, on a chairlift, so the second weekend in a row for me trying out transportation on a wire.

The tram was very smooth and it was similar to being in one of the capsules on the London Eye. There were fantastic views and as it was clear we could see Mount Hood and Mount Saint Helens. I loved the design of the tram terminal at Marquam Hill and took far too many photographs of it. The only thing I didn't like about the tram was that there was no ventilation inside it, at least none that was keeping up with the 90-something degree weather today, so even though the trip wasn't long everyone was happy to get out and into moving air again.

We started the day with brunch, then stopped to look at how the Tilikum Bridge was coming along, it is the newest span across the Willamette and won't be finished until fall next year. Next we headed over the river to the tram. After that a stop at a plant nursery for some new plants.


Just noticed the thumbnail for this day last year, I was in London and spending the day with my lovely friend Jenny.

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