
---> Video - Welcome my country

Hello, hello! How are you? Welcome my country. This Egypt. I love Egypt, you love Egypt? [BEEP]. La? Ah, where you from? Ah, Scotlanda! Eh, very nice [BEEP] very, too much nice. Eh, Rangers...and eh Celtic yah? Yah yah yah, I know I know! Too much nice too why is it? Why you take photo? You take a photo of the dirty [beep]. This is my country I love my country and now you take photo of the dirty [beep]. I see you before I. I see you take photo of eh, the man, eh, piss in street. I see you take photo of the dead bird. I see you take photo of the rubbish (BEEP BEEP) and everythings not nice. Why you do this huh? You must take photo [beep] of eh, of the nice things no? [BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP]. Okay, my country I love my [BEEP] country [BEEP] you know? One day you too will love my country so good. One day you maybe you become Muslim like me! Eh, you are Muslim or you are Christian? [beep beep]

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