Thoughts of a Mummy

By Jaxndm

Let the good times roll...

We started the day walking to school; or rather DM on her scooter, R&P on their balance bikes and Aj on her smart trike, whilst Jiggy and I walked.

We had a cuppa and a catchup with Sam and Her daughter, before we left to go to Mumstop.

Aj and Iris were inseparable at Mumstop, one runs off, the other follows, one wanders off and the other is left calling out until they find each other. They really are the best of friends, whilst at the same time becoming a troublesome twosome! They're not necessarily being naughty or nasty, it's the cheekiness with a hint of mischief ;)

Jiggy had an introduction to their mischief today, as she offered to take them both to the toilet. Whilst helping Aj on to the toilet and letting Iris that she'll help her next, Iris decided to close the door and lock it. Jiggy tried to talk Iris into opening the door and but kept being told "I can't, I need a wee". Fortunately, we were able to unlock the door from the outside with a key and we got her out safely. Welcome to our world Jiggy ;)

We had an afternoon of catching up with Daz and then collected the girls from school.

Jiggy went skating with Peach and DM tonight and they all had lots of fun. DM was on form and her skating is getting fantastic. Jiggy was very nervous on her skates, but she tried and joined in the fun.

Auntie CarCar was treated to her early birthday present and loved her new skates :)

A great day all round, there's lots of good times had when Jiggy comes to stay with us :)

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