
By Richharris

The Great Wall

I finally got to see the Great Wall of China today. Jenny went to the very touristy area a few weeks ago before I arrived but I have been itching to go ever since. We went on an organised guided trek through a company called Beijing Trekkers. They picked us up and drove us for two hours to a section of the wall less visited by tourists. The first part of the trek was along unrestored wall which was quite tough going because it was crumbly underfoot and overgrown in places. It was interesting to see it left as it was. The second half of the trek was on the restored section which is what is shown in this photo. It was very steep. I think we will have sore legs tomorrow!

We made it down to the town next to the reservoir where we had a huge lunch and a beer which was included in our package. It was really good, the food kept on coming which was just what we needed after the walk.

Unfortunately it was very hazy today due to high pollution and dust levels so the photos don't really do it justice but this was the best one of the bunch. I want to go back in November when apparently the leaves go red and it is supposed to look beautiful.

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