September Selfie no. 21

This is me hiding behind the raspberry gin that I have made today. Made is a bit of an exaggeration as all it needed was raspberries, sugar and gin in a steralised jar, now I just have to turn for seven days or until the sugar dissolves then strain and drink in three months time.

I don't drink much at all but was given this by one of my friends, initially with sparkling wine, then on it's own and it was rather nice. Hopefully mine will be as good.

My quiet day has also involved making some red onion chutney and raspberry jam, from the leftover raspberries for the gin.

Geoff didn't stay very late at the fishing lake as he wasn't catching, now he is sound asleep on the settee, he will probably deny it and say he was listening to the tv, we'll see.

Hope you have had a good one and recharged your batteries for the week ahead x

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