Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

hot stuff

I forgot to take my camera with me when we went out this morning! I haven't done that since I started blipping, and it felt very odd indeed!! So needless to say, until I returned home I was blipless!

It's been grey, foggy, snowy, rainy, and generally a bit grim outside today, so I decided that when I was finally reunited with the camera I would take a picture of something colourful! Well in a house with two small children and being a bright-colour-aholic it shouldn't have been hard, but I couldn't find anything that really inspired me.

So this is it. Mr Pink's chillies. He loves them. He'd have chilli with everything. They are bright, and colourful and very hot! And were bought at the farm we visited on sunday. Oh and as it's pizza thursday they were chopped finely and scattered over Mr Pink's pizza.

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