
By bivbov

Sovereign Light Cafe

GravyC and I had a rare treat today! We were able to run together!! A running friend of ours volunteered his wife as a babysitter. We don't often accept such offers as Noo is such a cling on!!! ZQ loves having babysitters, but Noo gives them a very hard time! He astounded us this morning, however, as he didn't make the slightest protest (unless you count hitting all his playmobil men with his sword!!) He was a very good boy, apparently!!! Freedom....!! We had a lovely run on the Downs starting from the bottom of. the long man - down towards Alfriston, up over Lullington Heath, down into Jevington, up to Butts Brow, and back again. 11.25 miles. Mick told us there were 4 hills to run up, so after the 6th I was feeling a bit hard done by...

Later we took Noo to find a "flay ground" while ZQ was occupied with Rugby and other Sunday 'stuff'. He went to sleep as soon as we left home, so GravyC and I indulged in a shandy and a packet of Nobby's nuts at the Cooden Beach Hotel while he slept in the car. We then moved up the road a bit to the Sovereign Light Cafe in Bexhill, which is the cafe from the new Keane album. One of the band members comes to the boot camp I go to.....although he hasn't been for a little while. He's the only man in the group of 8 or so!!! He's obviously been busy with the band!

We found a playground for Noo when he woke up, and he gave me several panic attacks, as usual, as he tackled the highest, most dangerous equipment!!!

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