Little lass off to Scotland

Yesterday I left work early and rushed home to finish packing the van. We dropped my youngest off at a friend's. My older son was going to his friend after school. We picked up our 2nd daughter from her school, then drove with both girls to Rotterdam. From there we caught the overnight ferry to Hull.

This morning we awoke early and had breakfast onboard. At 8am the ship docked and by 8:45 we were enroute to Glasgow - nearly a 5-hour drive.

Hubby dropped me and daughter #2 at Caledonian University for their open day. He and our oldest headed to Strathclyde to check in and unload the van.

Hard to believe the day has arrived that my first baby moves into her own place at university - wish it didn't have to be so far away and that the second baby wasn't so close on her heels to move away as well.

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