A day with my daughter

Since last Christmas my daughter has been trying to pick a day for the two of us to spend together, and we picked a winner today!!

We were up before the sun, made sure both of her children got to school, then we took off for a day of fun!

We shopped at our favorite craft store and got quite a few bargains...then headed to this beautiful hike around a small lake in one of our wonderful local parks.

We had lunch at one of the coolest restaurants I've ever been to...we cooked our own steaks on a super-heated rock that was brought to our table!!

Every bite of the steak, the sweet potato and the asparagus was absolute perfection...no dinner for me tonight!!

The weather couldn't have been better, and we are going for another walk with the children when they get home from school.

Definitely a day worth waiting for!!!!

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