Eternal Love

By eternallove

Life as a Music Student

It's been busy.

When I first started off the year, I never realized how little time I would have.
And now, I see time as a very precious thing cause no matter what we're doing, time is always moving forward. When we waste time, we can't get those time back. But one shouldn't rush through time either, but instead make sure to take a moment to slow down and enjoy what is going on now.

So from Friday-Monday, I've been on a little road trip with my fellow classmates. From Friday-Sunday, we were in Indianapolis to watch the International Violin Competition, which was amazing. Also, we got to try out the violins and bows at the violin festival. I found a couple of violins I really wanted, but... that's what it'll be for now. A want. Now from Sunday-Monday, we went to Fort Wayne for a workshop which I thought was interesting.

But yeah... time for me to adjust back to school mode. Hopefully there'll be another cool road trip. :)

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