
By Skyroad

Reading At The Lexicon

Taking The Plunge, an anthology of writing from Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown, was launched in the brand-new Lexicon building in Dún Laoghaire this evening. I was one of 12 commissioned writers who read extracts from the book. The cover photo, of two seals at the Coal Harbour Pier, was also taken by myself, and there's a poem about the seals in the book, part of my sequence: Six Postcards from Dún Laoghaire/Rathdown.

I brought the wean into the empty auditorium before the event and he had fun talking at the mic/podium, the sound guy kindly helping him out with some effects (echo, etc.). But he was tired, and a bit fractious, so unfortunately it agreed that he'd be better off going home.

We were each supposed to read for five minutes and of course most read for a bit longer. I probably should have read all the short poems in my sequence, but instead chose just three (probably read for less than the allotted time). But I enjoyed it, and the place was packed, so unlike most poetry readings. I couldn't really concentrate on the other pieces, which were mostly prose, but I especially enjoyed Lucinda Jacob's children's poems and Dave Kenny's nostalgic and moving memoir Distress Flares.

Later I had a pizza in Oliveto's with Ronnie and his friend Daragh, whom I enjoyed talking to, then back to Ronnie's place where we listened to music and chatted and I drank far more than usual.

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