CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Harvesting and planting

Dry, sunny and warm day.

Feeling a little better today - just as well because I had four sets of Case notes to read for a Children's Panel arranged for Monday. Each one was complicated and tragic, though at least two were finally seeing good outcomes for the young person.

My wife has been harvesting herbs from our garden - Rosemary, Oregano, Marjoram and sage. Some of you might be able to tell which is which. She has also started preparing a Hyacinth, over water, and Crocuses and Fritillaria in bowls, ready for putting into the dark over the Winter. It is an exciting time of the year as far as the garden is concerned.

Not quite as exciting for me as I go into Hospital again tomorrow for another operation. At least the waiting is over and, all being well, I shall be feeling much better in a day or so. We are planning to go off for three days next week to the Trossachs, so hopefully a bit of spoiling will be in order.

Still not up to commenting on your Blips but always grateful to read your comments on mine.

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