Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Gone to Seed

Came home at lunchtime today to find Ewen, the local man who does gardens and grasscutting, had been in and done the grass. Such a relief; we usually do our own, but the mower is broken and G has not yet figured out what the problem is.

I took a wee wander along the borders. Shocking! Due to having done loads of babysitting this summer, along with helping to clean my friend's house after her fire, and my campaigning activities plus being on holiday, I have so sadly neglected the garden.

Luckily, it's all perennials or shrubs, so everything just looked after itself and grew like Topsy! That has kind of kept the weeds down, but a wee poke around under the low growth shows just how much work needs doing.

This border, under the livingroom window is all planted with red, yellow and orange flowering plants, and in a kind of wild prairie effect due to the neglect. The dill has grown tallest of all, even bigger than my huge Rudbeckia (Herbie) with the green centre cone. It has just kind of sprawled all over everything, but the big strong stems are such a contrast with the lovely delicate flowerheads, which have now mostly gone to seed.

I think next year I am going to dig a new border down in the corner, and deliberately just plant it with a wild flower mix, and loads of stuff that looks best when left to do its own thing.

The nicely stripey grass is a very pleasing contrast with my messy borders!

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