
By RogMull

Words With Friend Ginagina526..

To relax late at night I play a bit of scrabble with my iPad using the Words with Friends App. I have about 6 people I play with including Ginagina526. By using the chat function on the app, I found out Gina was from Atlanta. Three weeks ago she said she wouldn't be playing for a while as she was going on holiday to Europe with husband John.

I thought no more about it, and then last night around midnight she suddenly appeared again starting a new game of scrabble, and with a message saying she was in Edinburgh!! I asked Gina and John if they wanted a dram this afternoon, and hey presto I met Gina and John. This is a pic of them after a dram. They can hold their drink too then!

We spent a great couple of hours together chatting, and aim to keep in touch. Two really lovely people, so keen to hear about Scotland and her whisky. Wise people.

Better go and play scrabble!

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