Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

A very windy family photo

Today lots of people came to see me. First Nana and Pops arrived at the caravan, and then Janette, Matthew and Adam arrived, and then Auntie Marlene and Uncle Allan arrived. I'd met most of the before, but never all at once! We went into Clacton and had chips for lunch and walked down the Pier. At the end it was very windy, as you can see in the picture! We had ice cream while Janette and Matthew went on a ride that made Mummy feel a bit ill (maybe one day I'll try going on rides, but Mummy says that Daddy will take me, not her) and then played on the 2p machines. Mummy won me a little Tigger toy. We went back to the caravan for the evening.

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