
By CleanSteve

The canal warehouse at Wallbridge wharf, Stroud

I wanted to join in the second week of Sarum Stroller's 'Derelict Thursday' challenge. I chose this old warehouse as I wanted to take a picture of it anyway for other purposes. As a trustee of Stroud Preservation Trust we have had our eyes on this building for many years as it has been progressively declining through neglect. But it should be noted that our Neighbourhood Development Plan was inspired by this particular site, as it has been on the market to developers for a long time as a prime site at the centre of town and beside the canal which is slowly being regenerated and hopefully will be joined to the national network again within a few years. the warehouse is only a small part of it.

Last night I heard that this whole site has been sold by the Official Receivers, who had been in charge of it following a bankruptcy, to a housing developer. The good news is that our colleagues on the Neighbourhood Development Plan process have had negotiations with the developers about the type of development they envisage, and in theory have been very responsive to the community's ideas. This is exactly why it is important to have a plan and to work with developers for the benefit of all, rather than forcing the developers to have their backs against the wall and a big fight ensuing.

This old warehouse is listed and has been empty for decades having lost its roof some time ago, which prompted its replacement. The roof is now open again, but the original entrances have been boarded up which at least keeps the elements out. The site was an old coal yard in its last incarnation, when coal was brought up from the River Severn and also from the Sharpness canal. I expect it will become a place for local people to come to enjoy being beside the canal, possibly as a cafe or restaurant. We shall see. But at least there is likely to be progress and its decline will soon be halted.

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