send me back to the wild!

By davidpritchard

hairy little critter (and a tarantula)

This is my cousin Allison, whom I went to Edinburgh Butterfly World with today, along with her brother and my uncle.
The last time I saw her, she was only a couple of months old. I'd never met her brother before, as they have both been raised in the states. The irony of it is that every time the family has been over here, I've been in the states (but about 1500 miles away). So it was quite odd to meet this whole other branch of my family, and I was really quite taken with them. Allison's got her dad's droll sense of rapier sarcasm, which I think is great in a ten-year old, and a welcome refreshment from the image-conscious kids in my local area. She was looking forward to me being swallowed whole by a rather large python, but shock-horror, I'm still here...

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