I've got a little list

September Song Challenge - I've got a little list

If someday it may happen
That a victim must be found,
I've got a little list..

The September Song Challenge brought back G & S memories - HH as The Lord High Executioner (flirting shamelessly with Katisha), me doing costumes. Forty kimonos and twiddly bits and some decidedly odd-looking wigs… people from the Japanese consulate were quietly tittering behind their hands, as it seems some of the details of the men’s costumes would only have been worn by ladies. Poetic license, I call it, besides, no Google to help me back then, and the library wasn’t much use either.

The cat volunteered to help, but as she sat squarely on the list, she lost out as a blip candidate.

The British School here is putting on Little Shop of Horrors so we enjoyed a performance of that tonight. Lots of talent, particularly with the Brazilians’ gift for singing and dancing (something like 97% of the students are Brazilian).

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