Friday Foto

By drmackem


After a final bit of this and a bit of that on a final walk, we tripped to Bergamo pending a fight home tomorrow afternoon.

This has been our first full length holiday without children since before they started arriving 23 years ago. There have been moments when we've missed them, but then there have been moments when we wish the dog was with us on the tops, but mostly we've just been glad to have such refreshing time, good weather, good health and the means to explore and enjoy. It's much simpler making decisions with two, and most of the time we beat to the same drum, so the days have been easy.

Italy can be in turns frustrating and glorious, but will always draw us back while we are able.

Disappointing fact of the day - we saw a lot of edelweiss on our walk today - they are not as the song goes "small and white", if anything they are medium, grey and a bit hursuit - more fitting to the flower of trolls rather than Maria Von Trap aka Julie Andrews. Nothing is as it seems,

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