Happy Friday...!

Had a really good day today!

Bit of office work first thing, followed by a trip to our local staples store (other stationary shops are available..!) for some supplies, then met up with Ali at a lovely coffee shop in Ipswich to chat over ideas for a little creative project .. Very cool!

Stopped off at Tesco for a luxury lunch of sushi in a plastic box while sat in the car park (livin' the dream n'all that!)

Popped in to see my bestist friend on my way home, she made me a scrummy hot choc & I got cuddles with her lovely little mini people too.. As well as a brief & but needed catch up with her lovely self too!

Then this evening me & J had a spontaneous date night over a Felixstowe Ferry, dinner in the pub while the sun was setting.. Just rather lovely!

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