Tay Ghillie

By challum

All Quiet

I was struck by how beautiful Princes Street Gardens looked today as a strong sun added a little warmth to what was another cold night last night. I'm sure the marchers of United Scotland appreciated it as they headed towards the Ross Bandstand to let everyone know that they would not welcome the Scottish Defence League to Edinburgh or indeed Scotland.

There was a strong police presence and I'm sure all the hire companies did good business judging by the lines of mini buses that were full of police officers on the way up to the Mound.

Thankfully the warnings of trouble were unfounded and it seems that everything passed off peacefully.

Has anyone else noticed that many of the pedestrian crossings in the city centre are now offset? Presumably to make folk think a little more before they step out in front of other road users. Fair enough if it makes a difference.

So a gorgeous day comes to an end and I hope everyone else managed to enjoy some of it.

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