A Wave On The Ocean

By Bensholto

The chap in the window, my younger (but not youngest) brother, forty today.
He has a good job, a great house, a lovely wife, and two little superstar daughters.
He bikes and he runs.
So what could I get him for his fortieth?
A board game we (me, him and the youngest) played at various points in the 1980s. Turns out it's not made any more, so thankfully Ebay had supplies of the original game, from the early 1970s.

I also bought him a camera.
He always has nice things to say about my photos (and he is a very occasional blipper, to be found here), but he was interested in photography way before me.
He used to use a film camera many years ago, and even developed his own prints.
So why not give him a camera for his birthday?
An Olympus EPL1 to be exact. Here he is, playing with his new camera.
Who knows, he might get the chance to blip more.

Happy birthday bro.
Oh and good luck for the half marathon on Sunday morning!

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