My camera and I

By Jacqui76

A change is gonna come

I did it! I finally taught myself how to knit. This has been an ambition since finding out that I need to make maths context board and the creative niggle was to make a teddy bear of sorts. The initial idea was for a teddy bear puppet, until I saw the price of felt and swiftly decided that knitting a teddy bear toy would be a much cheaper option. The last time that I actually tried knitting I was a small child and my mum did the casting on for me, I simply ploughed on with the rows. Today, a fully grown adult, I am thrilled with my attempts to cast on, knit and cast off and I am now the proud owner of two little brown patches that will become teddy bear arms - sad I know! However, if my knuckles can withstand the work and if I don't develop any blisters, I hope to be able to introduce Bertie Bear to Blipworld before too long. Watch this space!

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