Living in Brabant

By AilsaR

Message in a bottle

Warm cherry turnovers were selling like hotcakes (excuse the pun) at the market, so we bought a couple and sat in the sunshine eating them whilst visiting the urban pigs, Spekkie and Vlekkie.
Once they caught wind of the turnovers, their noses started twitching.

After that, we bought a flash for the camera (a Metz mecablitz 64 for the curious amongst you), and decided to practise using it by visiting the local culinary festival.
Although it was daytime, inside the marquees it's rather dark, so the conditions were ideal.

Strolling around with a camera, we were politely asked if we'd like to try some wine Of course we would!
We tested wines produced by vineyards owned by Sting, Mick Hucknall and Zucchero. One of the Sting wines, entitled 'Message in a Bottle', even had a cork with S.O.S. stamped on it.
The wines were excellent, we had fun, and giggled all the way home.

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